Thursday, August 31, 2006

Today's feather::
Thursday August 31, 2006

Today's feather is a BIG ONE! sorry i posted this so late..

so here your mission is to contact the mayor of chicago. recently the chicago city council took a HUGE moral step towards compassion, and this week, the foie gras ban went into full affect. the ban is to keep people from selling foie gras, so the local french snooty chefs started to give foie gras away for free. even on pizza! what did the mayor do? he was quoted calling the ban "silly" in the chicago tribune ("Chicago Mayor Richard Daley has called the foie gras ban the "silliest law" the City Council has ever passed. "). there are also rumors he is going to try to overturn this law.please contact the honorable mayor daley & try to persuade him to stiffen up the compassion! there is a reason this practice is banned in so many countries, and pending in so many us places! please remind him how good this ban makes chicago look!


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Today's feather::
August 30, 2006

Since word of mouth is ALWAYS key, please help get the word out about the foie gras issue!

Today please tell 3 people that you know about the foie gras issue -or- email this blog,, or to three of your friends. Encourage them to do the same. The more people who are familiar with the issue, the better!

Feather by feather we can save the duck.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Today's feather::
August 29, 2006

Today please write a quick review of a restaurant that you have been to before, that does not serve foie gras. Even if it is your local pizzaria, write how and why you are a loyal customer.

Flattery gets you everywhere, and gets them one up on the competition. Plus, supporting restaurants that do not serve foie gras means making that much more impact.
if you have a account, yahoo is great for this! :)

Monday, August 28, 2006

Today's feather::
Monday, August 28, 2006

Call 3 gourmet/upscale restaurants in your area to ask if they serve foie gras. Post the name, address, phone number & foie gras stance in a bulletin. If they do, we can contact them. If not, we can recommend them as a foie-gras free choice of restaurant.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Today's feather::
Friday, August 25, 2006

This is a new blog that is going to go up everyday.
Something little that you can do, no matter how busy you are,
to make a difference in the foie gras issue.

If it is a contact, no matter how big or little the response, it is sure to make an impact & you will be doing more than your part in the fight against cruelty.

I will always try to put up an (800) number, or if it is a localized number, then an email to contact.

And I will also give a little paragraph with the facts & references. I would never contact someone without the facts, and would not expect to put someone else in that situation.

Following the quote "feather by feather we can save the whole duck", here is today's feather:

8 1/2 Brasserie
8 1/2 W 57th Street
NY, NY 10019
212.829.0821 fax
online contact page

This restaurant is not on any of the foie gras lists. My job is very close to this restaurant, and after they put foie gras on their summer tasting menu, they got a lot of phone calls & complaints. Apparently they need a little more ... attention, for just this week, they put it on their permanent menu.

Please contact them & let them know this is not acceptable. They have an extremely upscale restaurant in midtown, and are doing very well for themselves without foie gras on the menu. There is no excuse for them to be serving cruelty. I have started faxing them the info, and if you would like to do the same, their fax number is listed above. I have also started writing internet reviews, about how they stink & recommending much better restaurants that are close in the area & do not serve foie gras.

Let's nip this one in the bud!

Foie gras (translated literally from French as "fatty liver" and pronounced 'fwah grah') is produced by cruel and inhumane farming practices. At just a few months old, ducks are confined inside dark sheds and force-fed enormous amounts of food several times a day. A farm worker grabs each duck and, one by one, thrusts a metal pipe down their throats so that a mixture of corn can be forced directly into their gullets. In just a matter of weeks, the ducks become grossly overweight and their livers expand up to 10 times their normal size.

As a result, ducks raised for foie gras have difficulty standing, walking, and even breathing. Many of them die before the end of the force-feeding cycle, and the mortality rate for ducks raised on foie gras farms is among the highest in the farming industry. Necropsies performed on foie gras ducks have shown extreme obesity, impaction of undigested food in the esophagus, lacerations in the throat, and a proliferation of bacterial and fungal growth in their upper digestive tracts.

Scientific research on foie gras ducks has shown, among other things, that "because normal liver function is seriously impaired in birds with the hypertrophied liver which occurs at the end of force feeding, the level of steatosis should be considered pathological" and that "it is clear that steatosis and other effects of force feeding are lethal when the procedures are continued."